Arapaima gigas, also known as Pirarucu, is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world, being found longer than 2.4 meters and heavier than 100 kilograms. It is abundant in the region and it is also very tough at fighting, being caught practically in every lake within the project and in large numbers in the Japurá river canals.


They are experts in catching food on the surface. They are also excellent jumpers and good sports for fishing with topwater lures and insect imitations like crickets, cicadas and grasshoppers.

Also known as Sulamba or Water monkey by the region’s natives, they may be found in large amounts in some of the project’s lakes; some specimens are longer than 80 cm.


Popularly known as Popoca, this species is found in several locations in Brazil, although in the project’s lakes, they may go over 50 cm long and reach 4 kilograms.

One of the most sporting fish in Brazil to be caught with artificial lures.


Pirapitinga, or Caranha, is a type of fish in the Characidae family, native of the Amazon. A strong fish, it offers a lot of resistance during a fight. Found in large shoals in lakes, they may be caught using topwater lures, insect and fruit imitations.


A scale fish with a high economic value for the region due to the quality of its meat. They are extremely strong and feed on insects, fruits and small fish, reaching up to 30 kilograms.


Arapaima gigas, also known as Pirarucu, is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world, being found longer than 2.4 meters and heavier than 100 kilograms. It is abundant in the region and it is also very tough at fighting, being caught practically in every lake within the project and in large numbers in the Japurá river canals.


They are experts in catching food on the surface. They are also excellent jumpers and good sports for fishing with topwater lures and insect imitations like crickets, cicadas and grasshoppers.

Also known as Sulamba or Water monkey by the region’s natives, they may be found in large amounts in some of the project’s lakes; some specimens are longer than 80 cm.


Popularly known as Popoca, this species is found in several locations in Brazil, although in the project’s lakes, they may go over 50 cm long and reach 4 kilograms.

One of the most sporting fish in Brazil to be caught with artificial lures.


Pirapitinga, or Caranha, is a type of fish in the Characidae family, native of the Amazon. A strong fish, it offers a lot of resistance during a fight. Found in large shoals in lakes, they may be caught using topwater lures, insect and fruit imitations.


A scale fish with a high economic value for the region due to the quality of its meat.

They are extremely strong and feed on insects, fruits and small fish, reaching up to 30 kilograms.

Fantastic place! A paradise for those who like fishing with artificial bait.​

booking information

Come fish in our lakes and contribute to the development of communities.